
I have just completed the six week Kundalini yoga course with the warm and welcoming Kristina and can determinedly say that I would love to continue this spiritual practice with her because she designs beautiful classes, is intuitive, informative and is a nurturing yet powerful space holder and guide. 

It is the first time I have attended Kundalini yoga and was unsure what to expect – although I work with subtle energies and have experienced the kundalini energy sporadically, I wanted to connect with it in more of a structured way and I cried with relief and joy at the end of my first session because I had never been to a yoga class that was so holistic and I was so grateful to have come across Kristinas incredible class. 

Kundalini yoga is completely different to other yoga classes I have attended which have been flow based and quite fast. This is made up of a set of Kriyas which I have found to be slower in pace, with fewer poses, though each pose is held for a length of time. Personally this has opened up space for a more somatic experience as I am better able to tune into my physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies. Being slower paced also helps with the breathwork aspect of yoga. As we hold the position, we are encouraged to use our breath to breathe into areas of the body holding tension to help release it which absolutely works for me! Sometimes the length of the pose can bring up challenges of wanting to take a break or give up but I’ve found if I push through this then I start to enter a trance-like state which I appreciate and enjoy. We are encouraged to close our eyes during the practice so that we are not outwardly distracted, this really helps me to focus on myself and to not care about what others judgements (there are none by the way!). We are also taught a way in which to stimulate the third eye which has brought me various welcomed visions. Kristina teaches us mudras and mantras to deepen the practice which have been both powerful and gentle in effect. This is merely the yoga side, as I previously mentioned, this is a holistic class where Kristina also includes; astrological and moon cycle updates, crystals, gorgeous, heart opening anointing oils, her own natural healing energy, oracle cards and the relaxing sound bath and meditation at the end. 

Every week I attend, it feels like I am in full ceremony with myself with Kristina as the graceful, angelic space holder and guide. My body feels detoxified, my back and core feel stronger, my mobility is always better and my hips are extremely thankful. I have both laughed hysterically and cried during these sessions of release but I always feel serene, peaceful, less anxious or on edge, my solar plexus stops aching and I get a great nights sleep. Not only this, but I am dedicating time to nourishing myself, to spending time with myself, to hear myself, to be present which is so very welcomed in a fast paced world.

I would highly recommend Kristina and her class for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice and relationship with themselves.


Kristina’s yoga classes are the best Kundalini sessions I’ve been to. She offers very holistic, nourishing, balanced and feminine approach to Kundalini yoga. I love that she weaves into her classes astrology guidance, breath work and sound relaxations with the crystal bowl. I always feel such a shift in energy after the sessions. I’ve been attending Kristina’s classes since 2019 and I highly recommend it.


Kristina’s Kundalini yoga classes are the highlight of my week.  Kristina is such a welcoming and compassionate teacher, the space she creates is so beautiful, I feel myself relaxing as soon as I arrive. Such an enlightening, spiritual 90 minutes, working through a different Kryia each week. Kristina always encourages and supports the class whilst working through the Kyria, making you believe that you really can hold the posture! The class ends with an amazing deep relaxation accompanied by the beautiful sound of Kristinas crystal bowl. 

I feel Kristina’s classes have helped me become more enlightened and have improved my mental and physical health. I always leave with a smile on my face, feeling at peace with myself and the world. Thank you Kristina for being such a beautiful person and teacher. Good luck in your new venture, and I hope our paths will cross again.


I just wanted to leave a comment to thank Kristina for bringing Kundalini Yoga into my life. 

I tried yoga whilst on holiday in Asia and found the gentle exercise very effective without being too strenuous. I had plans to continue when I got home but found the gyms and leisure centres too far removed from my outdoor yoga experience. Then the stars aligned and I by chance discovered an offering of Kundalini Yoga in a local village hall.

I was a bit nervous but was soon put at ease when I entered. The hall was transformed through soft music, candle light and amazing aromas. This was what I needed a safe place away from the normality chaos of life. A sanctuary for a few hours to escape, reflect and rebuild my self.

I have found my hour or two at yoga once a week really does re-balance and reset my consciousness, my body and my well-being. I was often the only man in the class but was always very welcomed by everyone. I struggled at first purely over thinking everything when you should be doing the complete opposite. Every week I found it easier and easier to get the maximum out of my Kundalini yoga and it’s like anything the more you practice the more accomplished you are and the greater benefit you get.

Our teacher Kristina was very welcoming, understanding and just incredible. She was encouraging everyone at all different levels. She made everyone feel at ease, she is super knowledgeable and inspiring.

Get up off your sofa and commit to two or three sessions and it will be the best thing you have ever done for your mind, body and soul.

Thank you Kristina you are fabulous and don’t you ever forget it! 


Kristina’s yoga classes are a complete experience. She puts a lot of thought and care into her classes and no one class is ever the same.

I love everything from angel cards at the beginning to ending with a sound bath.

Kristina’s classes are nourishing, enlivening and nectar for the heart, mind, body and soul.


It has been a challenging but really enlightening few months. Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes combined with 40 Days of Breathwork course was a real tonic to what felt like an interminable lockdown. 

It’s interesting how no matter how much work/reflection you think you have been doing, there is so much still to learn!  (I love learning so that is great!)  

I really feel it has contributed to my health, well-being and personal growth. I feel different – able to understand myself better, be more compassionate (to myself and others) and communicate better which improves all my relationships.  I also feel able to share more without feeling judged and that is such a big step for me. 

I’m enormously grateful to have such a warm, generous and wonderful teacher!


I regularly travel for over an hour (each way) to attend a Kundalini Yoga class with Kristina. The welcoming aroma of white sage and soft sacred music create an atmosphere perfect for personal healing and insight as Kristina takes us through a kriya which always seems to resonate mysteriously well with whatever’s currently going on with me.

Emotional blockages are held in the physical body and Kristina puts us through our paces to release these deep issues from our tissues. Kristina has masterful and fascinating knowledge of astrology, crystals, herbs and the healing arts which she shares with graceful fluidity throughout the sessions, taking us on a deep meditative journey at the end of each class.

Kundalini yoga with Kristina has been a vital part of my spiritual journey for years and continues to support this incredible awakening process.

What a beautiful divine super star you are! Thank you Kristina! So much love XXXXX


Kristina creates a beautiful healing space with her yoga classes where you can connect to your body and recenter yourself. I always come away feeling a great sense of peace. Beautiful class, highly recommended x


Kristina is such a confident and calm teacher and adapts classes so they are suitable to all levels. I started Kundalini with her this year and am totally hooked! She is very compassionate and has really helped me expand my understanding and connection with my own energy work.


Going for the 1st time to an established Sunday morning class at the start of the year, I met Kristina, who created this calm, inviting space in the middle of Bristol City.

I liked her style. She obviously enjoys teaching – her spirit and intention infuse the energy of the group, reflecting her vibration.

With thoughtful, helpful guidance throughout, and a deft touch where needed, the energy that she puts into planning and preparations are clear.

The Kriya, meditation, breath work, even the music and the pace are selected with great attention to detail, to take into account many factors…including the celestial and local situation.

She has the patience to clearly, explain each posture, with options from gentle to challenging, including everyone who wishes to join her class (beginners to experienced, regular and drop ins). 

HOWEVER when required Kristina can really push hard.

Every practice is different, even when we are practicing the same Kriya/Mantra/meditation, yet I always feel safe and supported.

The deep relaxation – is deep!

Kristina chooses her words mindfully and has a soothing, musical voice/tone/pitch.  But also, the experience and awareness to leave wonderful spaces too….

The Vibrations of her melodic large, pure white Quartz Singing Bowl take us on a journey… bringing us gently back into the room with most magical fairy bells at the end ……Such gifts to share and enjoy…..

Then COVID19. 

Kristina’s Strength and determination to continue teaching has shone through as she has risen to the challenges (technical and otherwise) of operating successfully throughout lockdown. The physical space that she created every Sunday morning was transferred into the virtual.

After practicing with her many times…I regularly feel good, Breath Deeper, smile more…..

Who wouldn’t want to enjoy wonderful, regular beautiful moments of calm and peace that Kristina kindly gives so generously?

Kristina is a Treasure who shares her journey and gifts with the universe selflessly.  

I look forward to experiencing and learning more 1st hand soon.


I love Kristina’s Sunday morning class in Southville.  Kristina is a brilliant teacher, kind, encouraging, assertive and skillful.  She has really helped with some of the small nuances of getting the most from each yoga session. Kundalini yoga is called ‘the mother of all yogas’ for a reason – you’ll feel amazing afterwards.  It’s physically challenging, but not complicated so you won’t feel daft if you walk in to the class as a complete beginner; the thing that makes you good at yoga is practicing yoga. 

Kundalini has a nice mix of meditation, physical exertion and deep rest.  The Sunday morning time slot is a great way to shake-off the week and prepare for the next one.  If you’re secular in mind-set, go along to give your body a good workout and get boost of positive hormones and neurotransmitters.  If a happy hippy, go along and give your mind/body/spirit an instant upgrade.  Either way you’ll come out feeling great. Kristina is beautiful teacher!


From my first class I felt very welcomed and supported in the space which Kristina holds with gentle expertise and every week I leave feeling completely renewed.  I have learnt so much more than the postures and the chants from Kristina’s teaching and if you are looking for a holistic experience and not just a physical workout then this would be a great class to choose. 

Having said that, when it comes to the physical aspects of the class Kristina provides powerful encouragement and I have done much more than I thought I could because her words have given me the push to go further than my self-imposed limitations. 

In addition to the class, Kristina has given me guidance on resources and encouraged me to do my own 40 day Kriya which has really helped me to work through blocks.  I would recommend Kristina’s class to anyone looking to try out Kundalini yoga in a supportive environment and anyone who wants to deepen their practice.  Kristina is an authentic spiritual teacher and guide.


In this attachment Sally shares a powerful experience from a KUndalini Yoga class that she put into words so beautifully.